Stage 1: The lightest stage occurs as you start falling asleep and lasts about 5 – 10 minutes. Stage 2: Still light sleep lasting about 30 minutes but transitions you towards a deeper sleep. Stages 3 – 4: During these stages you move into deep sleep or slow wave sleep lasting between 10 and 30 minutes where brain activity decreases and your body begins restoring itself mentally and physically. Stage 5: REM or Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, where you brain becomes more active and you dream. REM sleep can last from 5 minutes anywhere up to an hour and your body and mind continue to replenish their reserves through this stage. During a night’s sleep your body will cycle through stages 3, 4 and 5 several times, and it is these stages where you are properly rested and most muscle growth occurs. The quality of sleep during these stages has a direct impact on the amount of muscle you will build. More good quality stage 3, 4 and 5 sleep means greater muscle gains, but only if you have a ready supply of protein in your system.
The 7 – 8 hours of sleep you get each night is when you do most of your growing – but only if you’ve got the right fuel. You need SLOW protein! Proteins that can drip feed your system for over 8 hours and keep you anabolic all night. Micellar Casein is the protein that is best before you sleep as it digests over 8 hours to keep your system anabolic all night. And that’s what MAX’S Anabolic Night contains, pure Casein and Micellar Casein, pure muscle building WPC and Growth Hormone boosters that help you sleep like a baby. It’s the best protein night formula you can get! What other ingredients have been added to Anabolic Night by MAXS to assist in the sleep process? Anabolic Growth Hormone Complex – L-Arginine, Ornithine, L-Glutamine and Lysine as Growth Hormone stimulators because of their ability to enhance the natural release of Human Growth Hormone. Skullcap and Chamomile – used to promote calmness, reduce anxiety and induce sleep without side effects. Vitamins and Minerals – are included to ensure optimal recovery and growth during sleep. MAX’S Anabolic Night is suitable for all levels of trainers whether beginner or advanced. It is designed for people who want to maximise recovery and muscle growth during sleep. It can be used on a fat shredding, mass building or muscle maintenance program.